Amazing - Enjoyable
Now startin´
... pretty cool , lucky Klipsch Speakers und glückliche Klipsch User mit Klipsch Subwoofer + Klipsch Floorstander + Klipsch Center + Klipsch Rears - macht nicht nur den Tag glücklich ...
More than a feeling ! Klipsch Heresy III and me .
One of the coolest Speakers worldwide .
Sure , I love those Heresy´s from the Klipsch guys of the U.S.A.
Buy them for me . Now . At a best price . Call 05068 / 3031 / phone .
This spanish lady lovin´ and enjoyin´ Klipsch .
Who does bite me more ?
Black Raven or the famous Klipsch Reference RT 12 D Subwoofer ?
O.K. , my solution is the Klipsch Reference RT 12 D Subwoofer .
Ravens do flights , Klipsch gives me more ground effect by flyin´ by .
Get my kicks by drivin´ the BC Rich surrounded by Klipsch Products .
Who is the master of all that Klipsch stuff ?
Me . I got the remote .
Could be my next speaker . Klipsch La Scala Anniversary II .
Combined with an AdvanceAcoustic Tube-CD and Amplifier Set-up .
Do I love the Klipsch Heresy III ?
Or do they love me ?
I enjoy them . The amazing fantastic Klipschorn´s . My personal solution forever .
Sittin´on top . The Cat . Enjoyin´ Klipsch . What else ?
Sittin´ in the warm area . Relaxin´. The Cat .
What kind a speakers does a dog want ?
Now 6 pictures from the Klipsch Hottie Series , A Legend in Sound .
In the mood , driven by Klipsch .
Where does that airstream come from ? Klipsch Heresy , the beast .
Keep on rockin´ . By Klipsch Professional Speakers .
You want me as a roadie for Your next concert ?
Relaxin´ at the spa . Klipsch Heresy does it well for all .
to be continued
feel free to mail your own pictures to
Enges Atmosphere - Klipsch
Saaledamm 5
D - 31008 Elze
Certified Klipsch Heritage Dealer
authorized Klipsch Flagship-Store since 1975
Official Brand Ambassador of the Klipsch Heritage Series
05068 - 3031 - Telefon
0049 - 5068 - 3031 -
UST.ID. DE 191 447 839
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